Japanese Oyster Mushroom – Pleurotus Eryngii (250g box)

Product code: PLN_NBNN250

Product price: 40,000

Produced from high-quality spawn bags, with added rice bran and bio-organic fertilizer, the Japanese Abalone Mushroom at PHAM LE NGUYEN MUSHROOM COMPANY is harvested just in time, and stored in cool temperature to preserve the delicate and fresh mushroom ears, which are packed with nutrition, and safe from inorganic substances.

  • Net Weight: 250gr / box
  • Preservation method: Stored in the refrigerator, from 5-7°C
  • Expiry date: 5 days from the date of manufacture (see on packaging)

Product information

Combining the aroma of almonds and the sweetness of abalones, the Japanese Abalone Mushroom is one of the most beloved gourmet mushrooms across the world. The Japanese Abalone Mushroom also contains high nutritional value, with the protein content of more than 25%, in addition to the abundant amino acids, vitamins and minerals necessary for the body.


  • Japanese Abalone Mushroom (Pleurotus Eryngii) is also known as Thick Foot/ Stem Abalone Mushroom, which is packed with the aroma of almonds combined with the crunchy and sweet taste of abalones. This combination gives the Japanese Abalone Mushroom its distinctive taste that no other mushroom varieties has. 
  • After cooking, the aroma and sweetness of the mushroom are enhanced, while maintaining the firmness and crunchiness, so it is highly recommended for stir-fry dishes with meat, seafood or to be added to stews.


  • The fruiting bodies of the Japanese Abalone Mushrooms are quite large and smooth, with the average diameter of 2-4 cm and are typically gray or gray-white in color. The mushroom flesh is white and thick. The mushroom stems are grown obliquely, with the average lengths of 2-6 cm, and are white or ivory in color.
  • Japanese Abalone Mushrooms can be stored at 3-5°C in 3-5 days without any significant changes in quality.


  • According to both Eastern and Western medical research, the nutritional value of Japanese Abalone Mushrooms are comparable to its fellow meat products. 
  • Regular consumption of Japanese Abalone Mushrooms is highly beneficial in:
    • Lowering cholesterol levels
    • Aid in the treatment of diabetes, stomachache, liver dysfunction, and cancer.
    • Strengthen the immune and digestive systems, and regulate blood pressure.


  • Stir-fried Japanese Abalone Mushroom with garlic
  • Seaweed Abalone Mushroom soup
  • Abalone Mushroom with green pepper sauce
  • Braised Abalone Mushroom with black pepper


  • The expiry date is 3-5 days from the date of manufacture (printed on the packaging)
  • Japanese Abalone Mushrooms should be stored in the refrigerator at 3-5°C.
  • To ensure the delicious taste, sweetness and nutritional values, Japanese Abalone Mushrooms should be consumed within 3-5 days from the date of manufacture. 
  • After 7 days, the mushrooms can still be used, but it will not be as fresh and sweet, so you are recommended to consume them as soon as you buy them.


  • The mushroom caps should not be black and bruised.
  • There should be no bad smell.
  • Fresh mushrooms are firm, and not viscous.

It is recommended to purchase mushrooms at reputable and quality suppliers.

Produced from quality mushroom spawn, supplemented with rice bran, bio-organic fertilizer, Pham Le Nguyen Mushroom always brings customers fresh and excellent quality Japanese Abalone Mushroom.

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Front Japanese Abalone Mushroom