Black Deep Root Mushroom has a delicious and fresh taste, and is a great health booster thanks to its high nutritional value. It also plays a vital role in the diets of sick, anemic, and hypertensive patients.


Black Deep Root Mushroom has a scientific name of Xeruls radicata, also commonly called Rooting Shank.

Black Deep Root Mushroom was once a wild mushroom species, up until a successful discovery by a Chinese researcher, who out it into today’s modern cultivation.

In the wild, Black Deep Root Mushroom grows in the hot and humid conditions, where many termite mounds are located. this mushroom is widely distributed in the South-western provinces of Vietnam.

nấm mối đen
Black Deep Root Mushroom


Mature Black Deep Root Mushroom ca grow up to 10-15cm tall. The mushroom body is round, with a white and slightly dark brown color. The mushroom cap is dark brown, quite small, has an oblong shape and a diameter of 3-5 cm, the largest can range up to 10-15 cm. The roots are quite long and deeply penetrated in the ground.

The inside of the mushroom is white, and has a pleasant sweet taste.

Black Deep Root Muashroom often grows individually, suitable for growth and development at temperatures from 24-32 degrees Celsius.


This mushroom is rich in calcium, phosphorus, iron, protein and other nutrients that benefit the human stomach and spleen, cure hemorrhoids and reduce body lipids storage. Black Deep Root Mushroom is also good for treating diarrhea and loss of appetite.

Deep Root Mushroom contain Beta-Glucan (β-Glucan) and Linoleic Acid that help protect and prevent cancer, especially breast cancer in women and prostate cancer in men.

This mushroom is also rich in fiber, protein and essential minerals for the body, especially suitable for people with diabetes, helping to prevent cardiovascular diseases, effectively improve anemia, enhance kidney and liver function.


  • Grilled mushrooms in aluminium foil
  • Mushroom pancakes
  • Braised of sauteed mushroom with garlic or spices
  • Stir-fried noodles with mushroom
  • Mushroom porridge
  • Mughroom hot pot
  • Chicken or pork porridge, combined with mushroom and spring onion.


It is recommended that our customers consume the mushroom within the same day of purchase. Otherwise, the mushroom can still be stored in the refrigerator at 3-5 degrees Celsius for 5 to 7 days.

Note: The mushroom must be cooked thoroughly to ensure safety consumption.


It is the best choice to purchase mushroom from a realiable and qualified distributor to ensure mushroom origin and quality.

By taking responsibility in only using the highest quality mushroom spawn, with added rice bran, and bio-organic fertilizers, Pham Le Nguyen Mushroom Company always brings the most delicious and healthy edible mushroom to our beloved customers.

Thank you for your interest in our Black Deep Root Mushroom product, please find out more product information at: